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james jackson putnam造句

  • The earliest was by James Jackson Putnam, who used it as the name of his electroconvulsive therapy.
  • Coriat was the only Freudian analyst in Boston during the period after James Jackson Putnam's death.
  • His interest in child development led to training in child psychiatry at MGH and the James Jackson Putnam Children's Center.
  • In 1875-1876, Bowditch, William James, Charles Pickering Putnam, and James Jackson Putnam founded the Putnam Camp at St . Huberts, Essex County, New York.
  • In 1969, Norman Geschwind was chosen as Harvard Medical School s James Jackson Putnam Professor of Neurology, a position previously held by his old mentor, Derek Denny-Brown.
  • James Jackson Putnam ( 1846 1918 ), Harvard's first professor of diseases of the nervous system and a founder of the American Psychoanalytic Association, was influenced by this tradition of eclectic therapy.
  • In 1875 1876, James, Henry Pickering Bowditch ( 1840 1911 ), Charles Pickering Putnam ( 1844 1914 ), and James Jackson Putnam ( 1846 1918 ) founded the Putnam Camp at St . Huberts, Essex County, New York.
  • In the mid-1950s she traveled to the USA to work at the James Jackson Putnam Center which treated autistic children through what today is seen as behavior therapy and began to extensively study, research and write about autism in what are some of the earliest writings on the condition.
  • He became a devotee and avid proponent in the use of suggestion in treating mental illnesses in the United States and drew around him all the important practitioners in the burgeoning field of abnormal psychology of that time : Boris Sidis, James Jackson Putnam, William James, G . Stanley Hall, to name but a few.
  • Freud's audience included the distinguished neurologist and psychiatrist James Jackson Putnam, Professor of Diseases of the Nervous System at Harvard, who invited Freud to his country retreat where they held extensive discussions over a period of four days . Putnam's subsequent public endorsement of Freud's work represented a significant breakthrough for the psychoanalytic cause in the United States.
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